What we do

Hansen Financial Services, Inc. employs a comprehensive, integrated wealth management approach to provide you with a strategy that aligns your assets with your long-term goals. Clients may use our comprehensive planning services or choose a planning module, such as our Retirement Planning Module.  


Holistic and Integrated

“Wealth Management” means different things to different people. At HFS Holistic includes the following key areas:

Retirement Cash Flow Management

Understanding your budget and ongoing cash needs to make sure you use efficient cash flow strategies.

Lifestyle Maintenance

Understanding your income needs for both your "required" expenses and your "desired" expenses.

Managing Investments During Retirement

The strategy you used to accumulate wealth may be different that the strategy you need to preserve your assets and provide income for 25-30 years during retirement. During retirement you may have a shorter time horizon to recover from any major stock market corrections making risk management even more important.

Portfolio Stress Testing

For investors concerned about market volatility and potential market fluctuations portfolio stress testing may be useful in helping understand how much potential risk you may be taking with your investments.

Estate Planning

Estate planning and distribution of assets are often coordinated with your retirement planning. We can also take time to educate on various key estate documents that might be a key part of your estate plans.

Maximizing Social Security

Our financial plans may help you evaluate when to consider taking social security.

Tax Strategies

We can look at efficient tax efficient strategies and other key areas such as IRA distribution strategies at 72.

Relationship Management

We can work with your current tax advisor and/or estate planning attorney or refer you to qualified professionals.

Asset Protection

We may identify important issues for you to consider protecting assets. Insurance products and/or trusts may be useful to your protection of assets.

Different Levels of Planning

Some investors may need a simple calculation to estimate retirement needs while others may need more complex planning.

If you engage us to create a formal financial plan the planning fees typically range from $500 - $1,500 per plan depending upon the complexity and time required to prepare your financial plan.